What’s new

This site is my notebook—I keep all my music info and links here so it’s normally up-to-date. This page tells you roughly what’s new so you can catch up on new resources and changes. If you find any dead links or other problems please let me know. Thanks.

December 2005

25Weekly Music biz news updates. New publishing diagram in Songwriting. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
18Weekly Music biz news updates. Other minor updates and additions.
13New page in DIY about the areas not covered on this site.
12Added related pages links to CDs, DIY and web pages. Some other edits and additions.
10Regular sense editing, typos and minor updates. Weekly Music business news update.
02Several minor updates, and some re-wording and diagram tidying. Music business news updated.

November 2005

28CD postage costs updated (CD costs). CD calculation updated to show MCPS before VAT rather than after VAT (CD costs).  Sitemap       twitter  updated to show recent additions. Popular delusions edited. The money sponge finished for now.
27Music biz news updated.
26A few tweaks to The money sponge and it probably needs a few more to flow better. Also split the Music web zines etc. out of the Independents page.
24Rewrote The money sponge but didn’t split it.
20Full site edit, additions and some reshuffling. The money sponge article needs a rewrite and I’ll probably split it up next.
19New home page look! Getting started diagram colours tidied up. Music biz news updates.
13Music business news updated. Stylesheet menu cursor anchors changed. Some other additions.
9A new page Getting started to introduce the DIY section. Some minor additions. I renamed links directory (Music biz links) to match-up with the rest of the August redesign.
6Weekly updates to Music business news. Some minor additions and tweaks elsewhere.

October 2005

31Entered meta name keywords for the Music business, Music DIY and Articles pages.
29General text and update revision. Some additions.
26Two new pages: How to use the site and Music business news. The news page has links for recent news stories and web sites of interest. Both pages are linked from the home page. Moved the Music business FAQ and Glossary to the Music business menu where they belong. Some other additions to the Music business pages.
25Additions to Royalties and licenses.
22Additions to Royalties and licenses and Collection societies.
16Link check: Rebellious Records, Rightsrouter sites and Macrovision CDS300 page moved, Global Music Resource site gone, and AURA site down for several days.
9Some additions to the rest of the Music biz sections.
8Some substantial additions to Royalties and licenses, Collection societies, Record labels and music publishers, and Music copyright.

September 2005

23A few small additions to many pages. Graphic files reorganised under the bonnet.
11Two old articles (written in 2002 but still good) Does A&R work? and Music piracy ahoy! added.
10Additions to Music copyright. Some other tweaking and cosmetics.
2Additions to Collection societies.
1Some additions to most of the Music biz pages.

August 2005

31Link check. Harbottle Bluebells link replaced with MusicTank seminar, Simple Machines Guide replaced with newer pdf link, BPI Music Education Directory site deleted. Pitchfork, Gajoob and Starpolish all having what look like temporary problems.
29Additional material for Royalties and licenses. Some cosmetics and minor additions.
25Additional material for Royalties and licenses, Collection societies, Music copyright and Facts and Figures.
23Recording and Download formats revised to reflect the split.
20A small aftershock: Download formats split out of Recording. A major re-write of download formats next. Minor tweaks and additions. The new layout is appearing in Google already.
19Proof-reading corrections to the new site. Additions to Royalties and licenses, Collection societies and Labels and publishers. Other minor additions. Some dummy pages put back to help with the main 404s.
14Link check using BLT. It works OK but doesn’t seem to multi-thread—I’ll probably buy it anyway. 2 dead links deleted (Jesus Jones book, Carlos Presents) ElectronicScene renamed ArtistServer, and some others reset. A few remaining format glitches fixed.
13Some format corrections and new text. Additions to the Site map and FAQ. Spellcheck.
12So, on my Google 3rd birthday: here’s The Big One. First an apology about your bookmarks—I had to move everything this time. The old pages just got too big. The furtive shuffling of the past few months is now out of the closet.

The menus have been renamed and the files are now in the right place with the right names. There are some additions to the content but the main difference is the new menus and organisation. You can see my stylesheet—not because it’s great, just in case it helps.

4 files have gone completely: Music biz notes, Digital dead ends, Opinion diary and HTML entities. Most of the other files have been split (there are twice as many pages now) and the contents are better organised. A lot of stuff has been moved and improved. I’ve been using the site for about 4 weeks offline and it’s a lot easier to get around. The Site map and FAQ are completely rewritten and there’s more info in the Glossary.

There’s less duplication and it will be quicker to update. Google search will be behind for a couple of weeks, so expect a bit of mayhem with that. I’ve also made a complete review of all the text so it’s bang up to date.

July 2005

25More links in the Glossary. Contract jargon moved to How do I get signed?. VAT threshold updated to £60,000. Some other text changes.
24The first 100 Glossary entries are now complete and all the main links are done. I renamed the Site map Find… to reflect its extra options. The whole site is now centred on music biz, DIY and the web.
22Music biz diagrams improved to match Music biz 2.
19Finally got round to colouring the original Music Biz diagram arrows. More improvements to the Glossary and some other tweaks.
15New music business diagram in Music biz 2. More additions and tidying in the Glossary.
14Daily tweaks to the new site layout and updates to the Glossary this week.
10New site layout to make space for some more content and organise things better. All your old bookmarks will still work. My music pages will be turned into my new band site and won’t be on this one.
2New Opinion article Common misconceptions about the music business and record industry. Fixed the “jump to menu” icon on the Opinion pages.

June 2005

5New section in Music biz DIY about selling CDs. Some new indie labels and DIY artists added. Music biz notes retired. Now the download market has settled out I’ll move the key bits into their main pages. Some other additions.

May 2005

28Some new headings and general tweakery. Some updates.
17Link check (IRMA fixed Music biz 2). Digital distribution Mindawn details re-worded, and Yahoo!, Napster To Go and Real To Go added to WMA DRM. More Beatles timeline improvements.
14Additions and improvements to The Beatles business page and timeline page.
10Various updates, including a complete link check (2 fixed). New section in Independence.
6Improvements to the stylesheet and some new links and information.

April 2005

24Complete check of external links (I’m now using a utility called Xenu from a PC, it works pretty well). The Music Universe pdf at PRS has moved or gone but it’s still available as a jpeg, and on the PRS leaflet. The BPI info has been shuffled but the good news is there’s some new stuff there. Those links are all on the main Links page. The Digital Consumer CBDTPA info has moved so I linked to their newer FAQ page. e-centre (EAN bar-codes) has become GS1 UK, that’s on the Business page and the CD page. The MCPS page about self-licensing has moved and I couldn’t find it for the CD page. I also put the index pages in their folders (I’ve just twigged why it doesn’t work on your own machine but works fine from a web server). Various other minor updates too.
9New links, mainly indie and download sites. Some other text additions and a bit of pointless cosmetic tweaking to the bullets (now arrows, again).

March 2005

27New site email address to sidestep the spam. I’ll change this fairly regularly (I’m also cutting over to spam-free email, so if you have another address it might lapse). The address on the site will always work but it won’t stay the same.
25Fairly major directory tidy-up. Apologies, but you might want to update bookmarks for  Sitemap       twitter , Links, the DIY list, the About page and this page. Link check and updates (goodbye to Laura Holson, James Wilcox, Cody Chesnutt, Besonic, AFIM and e-pack).
24Minor information updates, some links fixed and some cosmetic tweaks.
11Major rework of The Beatles recordings page. The dates now show the original UK releases (they were a bit of a mixture) and I added a clear release list.
8General updates and a few glitches from the stylesheet work fixed.
5Fixed the multi-coloured tables stylesheet and tidied up their main Music biz and Beatles pages. Also, checked The Beatles’ singles dates—no two books agree entirely, but I think I improved the accuracy of the list.
4A few cosmetic changes and some updates to DIY and Indie.
3Completed adding stylesheets and hacking out the hard formatting today. Also checked through all the text and made a few improvements. Some links checked and updated.

February 2005

28A complete revamp of the site—it was a bit dark on PCs. It should be much easier to browse now (thanks to Paul for the tips on style sheets). I moved the two multi-coloured tables to their own pages while I work out how to do them properly.
23Checking, fixing, deleting and adding links this week. Other minor updates too.
20Changes to the main Links page to separate news resources, forums and online books. Some links weeded and new ones added, mainly news sites.
13New page of DIY record labels for the independent labels and related sites I’ve met up with online in the past couple of years.
10Update to the Digital distribution page to add podcasting which is showing phenomenal growth.

January 2005

23Update to the availability of The Complete Beatles Recording Sessions on The Beatles page.
22Update to the Real Audio and MiniDisc info in Recording. Other minor updates over Christmas, and archived the 2004 What’s New. Happy New Year.

Before 2005

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