What’s new

This site is my notebook—I keep all my music info and links here so it’s normally up-to-date. This page tells you roughly what’s new so you can catch up on new resources and changes. If you find any dead links or other problems please let me know. Thanks.

December 2007

20Added a Donate page using a decent merchandise affiliate store. I’ll see how this goes before adding any more. If I cover my costs I can start thinking about some extra features for the site.

November 2007

3Checked the links on the DIY music DIY people page. A few have gone and a few have moved to MySpace (I’ll be adding a few more to the list now it’s clean). Also added a paragraph about the PRS Gigs and Clubs Scheme to the Collection societies page and DIY checklist.

October 2007

18Many minor diagram and text updates across the site over the past couple of weeks including some new Beatles book recommendations.

September 2007

15Updates and additions to Business, Online payment and Web sites.
14Updates and additions to Digital distribution.
13Updates and additions to Music copyright and CD basics.
12Updates and additions to Record labels and music publishers.
11Updates and additions to Royalties and licenses and Collection societies.
10A smattering of updates to reflect recent events (Sony ATRAC discontinued, EMI DRM-free downloads, UMG/NBC threats to iTunes Music Store, etc.).

May 2007

18Simplified the Recording page and removed some details of my equipment due to recent changes. The correct information will go on my music site at a later date.

February 2007

17Many minor text and diagram improvements.
Merged the various scattered payment examples into the DIY checklist table and fixed some confusion between CD and download examples.
Also merged scattered notifying royalty collection societies into one page.
11Improvements and a new diagram for the Royalties and licenses page.
09Manual check of all the links pages. Much pruning and updating.
06Many minor edits after proof-reading the site. Updates and additions to the DIY checklist.
03Moved the DIY and Music Biz links to their relative folders. Retired the main menu Links section and promoted the  Sitemap       twitter  in its place. The old Links section wasn’t visited very often—the links are now more visible and easier to find.
Completely reworked the Labels and publishers and DIY and indie pages, with a new context diagram in the latter.
Many minor tweaks including splitting the books and downloads between DIY and Music biz.
Additions and minor corrections to the Beatles timeline.
Improvements to several diagrams.
Sitemap fully updated. All the off-site links pages fully checked.

January 2007

23Link check of Music DIY pages.
Updates to DIY: Getting started.
21General update to the Beatles business and timeline pages.
20Minor corrections to the new table of Beatles’ songs and writers in recording order in the Beatles timeline page.
19New table of Beatles’ songs and writers in recording order in the Beatles timeline page.
14Music biz graphics improved from GIFs to larger JPGs.
Link check Web sites.
Link check Online payment.
Link check Business.
Link check Digital distribution.
Link check CD basics.
Link check Music copyright.
Link check Labels and publishers (Universal Music Publishing is currently down).
Link check Collection societies.
Link check Royalties and licenses.
10Updates to Web sites.
09Updates to Business.
Updates to Online payment.
07Updates to Digital distribution.
Updates to CD basics.
Removed Music biz facts and figures—this page didn’t really come together. I have a lot of music biz data but no coherent idea about presenting it yet.
06Updates to Music copyright.
05Updates to Collection societies.
Updates to Record labels and music publishers.
01Normal year end changes.
All my music links have been removed from the site—I hope there will be a new place for them in 2007. If you know the old links you can still find them for now.
Updates to Royalties and licenses mainly P@MRA and AURA merger into PPL.
Updates to other pages and diagrams for P@MRA and AURA merger into PPL (still a few to do).
01Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Before 2007

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