What’s new

This site is my notebook—I keep all my music info and links here so it’s normally up-to-date. This page tells you roughly what’s new so you can catch up on new resources and changes. If you find any dead links or other problems please let me know. Thanks.

April 2011

06A new page for Music DIY called Getting started with DIY music 2—taking a quick look at the many different kinds of Internet music services now on offer

March 2011

12Enormous HTML/CSS changes under the bonnet. The site is now converted to HTML 4 (Strict). The benefits are easier maintenance, site consistency and readiness for HTML 5 (much easier to fix all those halfway tags while it’s not urgent). XHTML and HTML 5 are still too new to go any further right now.
07Finally tackling the alignment and table HTML that doesn’t use CSS yet. This update uses CCS alignment to improve text layout (hugely). Also specified UTF-8 and Unix linefeeds across the site for consistency. Next step is to remove the hard-coded table properties.
03More additions to the Music biz timeline and a new diagram and additions to the New music biz model article..
01Many additions to various articles, mostly the Music biz glossary, the Music biz timeline and The new music biz model. Redirects added to fix most of the 404s caused by previous site revisions. The main updates coming next: a re-write of the Google/SEO page to add recently gathered knowledge, and many indie labels still to be added to the Music biz timeline.

February 2011

21Numerous tweaks to The new music business model after final fact-checking, added a CD sales chart and re-worded a few clunky sentences.
20A new article The new music business model analyses the short history of the record industry, what went wrong and what is most likely to happen next.
13Updates and an index bar for the Music glossary (now 200 entries) updates and tweaks to The Money Sponge and Music business timeline.
11Added redirects for the main page moves from 22 December and updated more pages including the Music biz glossary, Royalties and licenses and Music biz organisations. Since the main update, using Google webmaster tools and XML sitemaps for Google and Bing my site visits are down 50%, even though the site is probably 25% better. Ho hum.
8Update to the Music Biz Glossary. Some more definitions added, a few old ones tweaked and alphabetic sections included. Due to popular demand I also spruced up The Money Sponge article and brought it out of retirement.

January 2011

9Simplified and re-ordered the front page links to match the new site layout. Moved all the Facebook and Twitter links to the menu bar. Dropped the Facebook “like” button (Facebook users can “like” the Bemuso page through the Facebook link).
4Added Facebook and Twitter links to every content page.
1Major update of the whole site structure, narrative and information. All 65 main pages (over 75,000 words) checked, re-worked and updated, including 20 main diagrams. About 450 external links deleted (out-of-date, no longer relevant or broken links). Complete link check of all remaining 800 external URLs, fully weeded and updated (including 125 independent musicians, some new and some disappeared). I have left a couple of indie musicians on the list who have gone missing—I’ll check again later to see if they re-surface.

Three old pages: Music biz articles, Independent labels and DIY download sites have been deleted permanently. A new Music Biz page about Composers, works and recordings has been added, and the old combined record labels and publishers page has been split into one for each. Another new page describing the scope of the music biz has been re-worked from the old (now deleted) Not on Bemuso page. There is also a new Music Biz Timeline page summarising music technology, recording, publishing, people and events. I have more to add but it shows some useful context and information already.

I’m also trying Google Webmaster Tools and added an XML sitemap for Google and other search engines.

This update is ready early (thanks to everyone who helped) so I posted it before Christmas.
1Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

From 2010 back to 2002

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