What’s new

This site is my notebook—I keep all my music info and links here so it’s normally up-to-date. This page tells you roughly what’s new so you can catch up on new resources and changes. If you find any dead links or other problems please let me know. Thanks.

February 2010

28The Forum is still there but I have removed the link from the site. There are already many other places to chat so little point duplicating. Thanks to the hundred or so forum members... I’ll send out a message when I close it and copy some of the posts before it finally goes.
21I’m reviewing the site—updating bits and pieces, and considering what’s useful. The CD Costs page was always a bit rough and ready, and necessarily vague (each case is different) but recently some arithmetic mistakes have been pointed out to me (now corrected). Although CDs are becoming less of an issue I decided to rework the whole thing because it’s still a useful example. Loads of other minor stuff needs a tweak and I’ll probably add a couple of articles about where things have got to.

January 2010

05Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

From 2009 back to 2002

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